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Enrico Moresco

Università di Genova
semi-enclosed basin morpho-fluidynamics
high tide floods
coastal resilience
PHD school
Marine Sciences and Technologies
PhD Cycle
List of Supervisors
Nicoletta Tambroni, Francesco De Leo
Main research approches
Theoretical / analytical, Numerical analysis
Research abstract
Miami High Tide Floods and morphological changes in the Biscane Bay
Background And Research Gaps
I have a background in physics (bachelor) and Physics of the Earth System (master), with a special focus on Environmental Fluidynamics, Turbulence and Physical Oceanography. My research interests have been directed towards physical oceanography and more recently, idrography and environmental engineering. In my previous positon I performed ensitivity analysis on the Med-Currents EAS5 model system, comparing several vertical mixing parameterizations and turbulent closure schemes. To run the numerical imulations I used a framework of ocean related engines, NEMO, and an open-source package designed to generate high-resolution, nested model set-ups for oceanic forecasts ver limited domains of interest, SURF. Currently I'm trying to explain the arise of high tide floods in the second half of the 20th century in Miami, currently constructing simplified odels to get a qualitative decription of the phenomenon.
Research Goals
1) To develop and validate simplified models to describe the morphogical evolution of the bay. 2) To develop and validate an ad-hoc, state of the art fludynamical model, capable of reproduce historical and current measurements. 3) To use the validated model to forecast future scenarios based on sea level rise and potential morphological perturbations to mitigate the floods impact.
Simplified physical model of the Bay in the starting and final configurations for qualitative comprehension of the phenomenon. CFD simulations in georeferenced historical and current bathymetries to reproduce sea level height time series.
The morphological change inside the Biscane Bay is the main responsable for the arising of high tide floods. (achieved) Small intervenctions in the bay could sensitively reduce the tide impact on the metropolis. (expected)